Sliding Scale Fee Program

Sliding scale program

Catalyst Clinical Group (CCG) serves all patients regardless of ability to pay. We work with all patients from any age, race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, and gender identity from their starting point. Discounts for primary care services are offered based on insured status, family size, and current level of income.

Please see below for eligibility and instructions for how to apply for the reduced fee sliding scale program. CCG will ask that you complete the application form and submit the completed form with supporting documentation to the director of intake for review and approval. CCG will explain the outcome throughly and answer any questions you have regarding your assessed reduced fee.


Any person that is experiencing any of the following are eligible to apply for a reduce fee based on the sliding scale fee program at CCG.

  1. You currently do not have health insurance.

  2. You currently have health insurance, but your health plan does not cover mental health treatment.

  3. You had insurance but have has a life event that has left you uninsured or underinsured.

Supporting documentation

Your annual income and your family size will be used to calculate your discount. When submitting your application please include one of the following documents to assist us in verifying your reported income:

  1. Your last year income tax return

  2. A copy of your W-2 form

  3. Your most recent paycheck stub

  4. A copy of your social security check

  5. Any other checks/payments you may receive as income

fee assessment

The sliding scale fee schedule is a reference document that you can review to determine the sliding scale reduced fee depending on household family size and current income. The sliding scale fee schedule is based on 2024 federal poverty levels. The schedule will show household family size in the first column and income range in the first row. In order to assess the fee we will use reported household family size and current income range with the below schedule to appropriately identified your reduced fee for services.


Any person that meets eligibility for the sliding scale reduce fee program and would like to apply for this program is required to submit the below application. For you convience we have made this application available to download using the link below.

Need assistance

Please contact our Director of Intake, Amy Cissell, if you need assistance complete the application or have questions regarding the application process. Please contact Amy Cissell via phone or email at 773-876-8763 or

Ready to submit

To apply for sliding scale and to receive information about our application process, please contact Amy Cissell at to apply as a current or new patients.